Happy Birthday Christian Bale!
According to our
Bat-Blog History Files today is a very special day! Christian Charles
Philip Bale was born on January 30th, 1974. He was raised in England
& had his 1st film role at the age of 13. He was in Steven
Spielberg's 1987 movie, Empire of The Sun. He played a lost English Boy
who, separated from his Parents, grew-up in a Japanese Internment Camp
during World War II. Later, he had one of his 1st most iconic roles
playing the Serial Killer Patrick Bateman in the 2000 movie, American
Psycho! Then, of course, starting with Christopher Nolan's 2005 BATMAN
BEGINS, he has been the most recent Actor to play Bruce Wayne/Batman. We
all look forward to seeing him in THE DARK KNIGHT RISES! Happy Birthday
Christian Bale!! Oh yeah, I've posted a few "Dreamy Hunk" Wallpapers...
for the Ladies to drool over!